Don't Let Hail Damage Bring You Down: 5 Expert Hail Repair Solutions

Posted on November 5, 2020

Hailstorms can be both terrifying and destructive, leaving a trail of damage in their wake. While hail damage to your property can be frustrating, the damage to your car can be especially distressing. Dents, scratches, and other damages caused by hail can be unsightly and potentially affect the resale value of your vehicle.

Fortunately, there are a variety of hail repair solutions available that can restore your car to its former glory. In this article, we will explore 5 expert hail repair solutions that will have your car looking as good as new.

Paintless Dent Repair - Paintless dent repair, or PDR, is a hail repair solution that involves manipulating the dents from the back of the panel to restore the surface back to its original shape without having to remove or replace the paint. This technique can be a cost-effective and time-saving solution for repairing hail damage.

Traditional Dent Repair - Traditional dent repair is a more invasive hail repair solution that involves removing the damaged area and replacing it with a new one. This method is typically used for more severe hail damage where PDR is not feasible.

Auto Body Filler - Auto body filler is a putty-like substance that can be used to fill in dents and scratches on the surface of your car. Once the filler has dried, it can be sanded and painted to match the color of your vehicle. While this method is effective for smaller dents, it may not be the best solution for larger areas of damage.

Hail Damage Insurance Claim - If you have comprehensive coverage on your car insurance policy, you may be able to file a hail damage insurance claim. This can help cover the costs of hail damage repair and save you from having to pay out of pocket. Be sure to check your policy and contact your insurance company to determine if this option is available to you.

DIY Hail Repair Kits - There are a variety of DIY hail repair kits available that can be used to fix small dents and dings on your vehicle. These kits typically include specialized tools and instructions for repairing the damage yourself. While this method can be cost-effective, it may not be the best solution for larger areas of hail damage or for those without experience in car repairs.

In conclusion, hail damage to your car can be frustrating, but it doesn't have to be a permanent blemish on your vehicle. Whether you opt for PDR, traditional dent repair, auto body filler, an insurance claim, or a DIY hail repair kit, there are a variety of hail repair solutions available that can restore your car to its former glory. Don't let hail damage bring you down, instead, take action to restore your vehicle and get back on the road with confidence.


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